We organized the 20th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT)

GUARANT International had the honor of organising the 20th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT), which took place in Prague on 18-21 September 2022. The theme of this year’s congress was Bridging the Troubled Waters and followed the themes of previous congresses, where the focus was mainly on pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, toxicology, analysis of drugs in biological fluids, and new analytical applications.

Much attention was paid to 12 key topics, including Anti-infectives, Immunosuppressants, and Alternative Sampling Strategies.

Intensive preparations for the congress began in September 2021. In August 2022, the organizing committee decided to hold the congress in a hybrid format so that overseas colleagues could attend the event without any concerns. The physical part was held at the Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, while the hybrid part was held on the gCon platform.

An interesting professional programme was prepared for the participants. It consisted of three plenary sessions with world-renowned experts, 38 parallel sessions, a moderated poster session with 116 posters, 6 sponsored workshops, and 18 symposia. The congress included a debate on TCI vs TDM with speakers Nick Holford and Teun van Gelder. The conference attracted attendees from all over the world, and featured more than 250 speakers in addition to the plenary speakers.

Each congress includes a social programme. This year’s IATDMCT was no different. What could the participants look forward to in Prague? On the first evening, a welcome cocktail was held at the Clarion Congress Hotel Prague. On the third evening, participants enjoyed delicious Czech cuisine at the Municipal House as part of the Congress Dinner. The local Art Nouveau restaurant is considered one of the most beautiful. The dinner was enriched by musical accompaniment with a pianist.

The IATDMCT Congress included an exhibition with ten exhibitors. There was great interest in the exhibition.

A total of 333 participants attended the congress physically and 172 joined virtually. 45 countries were represented at the congress. Thanks to the hybrid format, all participants have access to the platform after the congress and the lectures are available to them for the next three months.

The event was accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) and participants receive 19 CME credits (ECMEC®s).

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the event. In particular, we would like to thank our client Prof. Milan Grundmann, MD, CSc., all partners, the City of Prague for its financial support, all exhibitors, partner associations, and other supporters. The congress could not have taken place without the participants and speakers, who also deserve our thanks, and last but not least we must thank the entire GUARANT International implementation team led by senior project manager Romana Klukova.